The environmental movement is bringing back the goddess in a new and acceptably scientific form. They say we are all connected in an intelligent web. We are part of an interdependent system, and we need each other. If we exploit any part of the whole, we hurt ourselves. If we see ourselves as part of the bigger whole, then we have a place. We are not alone, but we are called upon to be accountable.

To be truly responsible, we have to bring all of our parts. The patriarchal god excluded much of what we might call the darkness of being human, and because of this exclusion, the darkness leaked out in volent ways. The Catholic Church, supposedly based on the good news of the resurrection trumpets instead pictures of a tortured-looking man dying on a cross.

Where is the good news?

The good news is in life, not death, and life is much harder to control than lifeless, disembodied spirits. The church was afraid to give anyone control over their bodies, for if they allowed direct experience, their power over the populace would be eroded. It can be challenging these days to find powerful experiences of the life force. Even the birthing of babies, which is so directly life-affirming, has been taken out of the hands of women and the family has been taken over by politicians.

It is time to remember that we are not alone. We are part of a cosmic story that is gloriously unfolding.