In the seven years that I shared travel with Chris, we learned about trusting in Spirit. We learned ways of loving more deeply, and how to see the gifts in hardships. We learned about seeing beauty in the natural world and in other human beings. We learned about seeing our bodies as Temples of Spirit and about pleasure and delight. We learned about riding with the winds of change. And then Chris got sick and died and I learned about grief and the rebirth into a new life.

In these times of drastic change, many of us are losing touch with our connection to the natural world, with our inter-dependence and with our connection to an energy that is bigger than our own little egos. We search for an anchor in this world but so many of the anchors that have held together cultures in the past have been deconstructed and spiritual traditions have faded away. We are left lost and without a compass.

We need new stories to help us remember the collective wisdom that allows us to live in harmony on the planet. Perhaps we are reaching a time when there will no longer be an accepted grand narrative that will speak to us all. Or perhaps we are in the process of creating a new story that has not yet fully emerged.

Into this apparent void, I offer my story. In October I will be publishing my book, The Life of Kai, a memoir of awakening. I have written my experiences in the hope they will speak to you of death and rebirth, creation and destruction, love and of remembering. I offer these stories with the hope that they will enter your being. I trust you will take what serves and let go of the rest as we move beyond confusion and into the evolution of love on this planet. We are all in this together. It is time for us all to make new stories and share them for the good of us all.