The Chariot card, number seven in the Major Arcana, is about moving in the world with action and balance to achieve success.

Like all the cards in the tarot deck, it points to the light and the shadow of the card’s expression.

The Charioteer stands in a chariot led by two sphinxes, one black with masculine features and one white with feminine features. He is a warrior dressed royally. A star in his crown represents his connection to the heavens. Crescent moons on his shoulders connect him to the power of the feminine. A glowing white box on his heart grounds him in the earthplane material world and his will. Symbols covering the bottom of his tunic symbolize his acquired wisdom.

This is a Major Arcana card with the number Seven. Sevens represent the end of spiritual chapters. This card calls us to be willing to reap the benefits of the previous chapter as that chapter ends and to let go of anything that no longer serves as we move into the new.

The Charioteer seems well prepared for his mission, yet his representation has a trick, which carries both light and shadow.

Looking closely at the card, we see that although the Charioteer seems to be steering the sphinx-drawn chariot, he has no reins. This can mean that in his prideful ego, he thinks he is in control, which he is not. Or it can mean that he trusts Spirit to guide his life, has prepared as well as possible, and then surrendered to the unfolding. Sometimes, both of these perspectives are true, and the Querent needs to find a way of balancing what they can realistically do and what needs to be surrendered to the unfolding.

Looking down at the two sphinxes, the Charioteer recognizes that the duality on which our reality is based can tear us apart. He stands between them, not bound but holding them both with his wisdom and experience. In this manner, he finds a third way that honors both perspectives and is informed by higher wisdom.

This card says you must be vigilant about balance to manifest your dreams. Balance does not mean creating gray out of black and white. It means feeling with one’s body the positive and negative and allowing both energies to inform your motion forward. We need the dark, the light, and the information that both the dark and the light can bring.

The Chariot is a sign that this is a time to focus on your goal with preparation, will, discipline, and trust so you can face the obstacles that may come your way. The lessons come from finding a balance between moving forward and letting go, trusting oneself, and trusting the unfolding. With confidence and determination, success will come.