Perhaps love is the default in this reality, and we have to work very hard to erase love. This may not seem intuitive in a world full of war, violence, and hate, but when we look at nature, we see a different story.
From atoms up to human beings, there is an attraction into connection. Atoms connect. One-celled organisms connect, and once connected, they seek even higher forms of connection. New growth comes from connection. Babies are brought about by two bodies connecting.
Is connecting love? Well, it certainly is the beginning. Perhaps humans are being asked not to simply align with the powers of the universe, which are connecting all over the place, but to be conscious of aligning with those powers.
Getting one’s brain around the necessity and inevitability of connection is different than doing it unthinkingly. Perhaps another way of getting at this is to say that the connections in ‘all there is’ are hidden in the universe’s blueprint. It is deeper than the superficial details of reality, so we get confused.
Perhaps this is like a scavenger hunt where our job is to find what is hidden even though it doesn’t make sense to us.
So the sun shines on all of us. The sun loves all of us. It doesn’t matter our skin color, how much money we make, or even if we have done any good deeds. We all get it. Free of charge. That doesn’t make sense to our rational brain, which says that we should get the good stuff if we are good and be punished if we are bad.
So the animal part of ourselves that knew how to care for itself when it didn’t have to be self-conscious wants to make rules about good and bad behavior or whether someone fits into the correct box or not and then figures that it is in charge of deciding who gets loved and who doesn’t.
That doesn’t stop the universe from handing out the good stuff (love) to whomever it wishes. It doesn’t make rational sense that it is all love, but it seems that way. So perhaps I have to keep stretching my definition of love.
Could it be that love is simply acknowledging that we are all in this together and that whatever one does to oneself will affect the whole?
Could this be love? How do you look for love and receive love in your life?