1. Life is a game.
We are not given a rule book so we don’t know the rules. We aren’t even told the name of the game we are playing or what it’s about. We are simply thrown onto the playing field and so we play. There is no way to get off of the playing field so we are doomed/privileged to keep playing until we take our last breath.
2. The game is not about winning or losing.
It’s only about playing the game. Since we don’t really know what the game is, we can hardly keep score. All we can do is show up and play the best game we can play with the limited amount of information we have about the nature of the game we are playing.
3. Sometimes you lose even when you are doing everything right.
But since the game is not about winning or losing maybe you can win when you lose and lose when you win.
4. If life is a game then there must be challenges.
No one wants to play a game after they have totally mastered the game so the game insures that we are always beginners at something.
5. There is always more.
No matter how much sadness, joy, sex, food, questions, answers (the list is endless), that we experience there is always more of that to experience.
6. Nothing stays the same.
Things are always either being born or dying; growing or shrinking; moving away or moving closer. There is nothing static in nature so it follows that there is nothing static in human existence.
7. Everything is part of everything.
Nothing in nature can stand alone. We are part of nature. We are all connected.
8. There are patterns, even in chaos.
One simply needs a large enough picture. Only God can see the whole thing.
9. The meaning of life is that we are here to unfold into that which we were meant to be.
An acorn doesn’t worry about whether or not it will become a tree. A tree doesn’t worry about anything. It simply unfolds into its own being. Since we think and worry, we grow away from our own essence and we forget who we are. The meaning of life is to remember who and what we are.
10. It’s all about Love.